Wireless Wednesday Live: Daniel J. Seehafer, American Legion National Commander
Talking about our Vets.
With Daniel J. Seehafer, American Legion National Commander.

As Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day approach, American Legion National Commander Daniel J. Seehafer is asking all Americans to “Be the One” to stop veteran suicide.
“Preventing veteran suicide is more than a goal for The American Legion. It is a mission,” Seehafer said. “You do not have to be a professional therapist to listen to a veteran and empathize with feelings of isolation, depression or hopelessness. We should all do our part to destigmatize the brave act of seeking mental wellness. We should all be the one to ask veterans how they are doing and most importantly to care about their well-being. Above all, encourage veterans in crisis to call 988, extension 1. Since 9/11, far more veterans have taken their own lives than were lost to war.
Seehafer is hoping that Americans use Memorial Day as a time to remember and honor all who have fallen while serving in the U.S. military since the nation’s founding. “The men and women who served alongside these heroes bear witness to the price that was paid for our freedom. For family members and close friends of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, Memorial Day is not the end of a three-day weekend but a solemn reminder of the heroes who have given their last measure of devotion to this nation. We must never forget them.”
The American Legion is also focused on:
Ensuring military members are provided the resources needed for a smooth transition to civilian society after they leave the Armed Forces.
Eliminating the disabled veterans tax, also known as “concurrent receipt,” which requires some veterans to fund their disability compensation out of their own military retirement pensions.
Smooth implementation of the PACT Act, which opened eligibility for VA health care and benefits to veterans suffering from conditions linked to burn pits and other toxic hazards.
Encouraging all veterans to practice “Buddy Checks” and connect those in need with trained professionals. Buddy checks are an important component of The American Legion “Be the One” mission.
Parity for National Guard members and reservists when it comes to receiving GI Bill benefits. The American Legion believes one day of service should equal one day of service, regardless of who issued the operational orders. Current policy favors federal or active-duty orders over some Guard and Reserve duty.
Improving military quality of life by modernizing barracks, and expanding access to daycare, family employment, educational opportunities and quality health care.
Congressional passage of legislation that would ensure that the U.S. Coast Guard never again experiences pay interruptions in the event of a government shutdown.
Passage of a constitutional amendment to allow Congress to protect the U.S. Flag from desecration.
· Memorial Day is approaching. How should Americans view this special day and remember the fallen?
· Suicide prevention is the top priority for The American Legion. What can be done to stop veterans from taking their own lives? Explain “Be the One.”
· How is the Coast Guard treated differently from other branches of the service during government shutdowns?
· You like to say, ‘The American Legion is changing lives and saving lives. In what ways is The American Legion doing this?’
· What are some of the other issues that The American Legion is working on?
· Who can join The American Legion and what are some of the things that Legionnaires do?
· You will be traveling overseas soon. What is the purpose of your trip?
· Where can people find out more about The American Legion?
For more information visit: www.betheone.org