Nespresso shows some of the best expresso is made with capsules
Nespresso has been making some of the best expresso for years.
Now it comes with the ease of using capsules.

Discover the new Nespresso VERTUO coffee machines, that brew coffee and espresso with a richer crema than ever before. The cup holder can adopt one of four positions and fits to every cup size. No matter if Espresso, Gran Lungo or a high Alto glass – all cup sizes can be used straightforward. For example, if you want to prepare a coffee to go immediately in your Travel Mug, you can also easily remove the cup holder completely – so that you always have enough space for the tallest cups or mugs. Even for discerning coffee lovers the VERTUO coffee machines are perfect, because the Centrifusion™ Technology is the only system, that can provide your long coffee with a sumptuous "crema."
Prepare your small or large coffee style with generous crema, all at the touch of a button. Here’s the secret: each Vertuo machine uses barcode recognition and a patented extraction extraction system to create your favorite coffee.

You can also electronically open and close the head of the machine and conveniently position the water tank with VertuoPlus.
The VERTUO coffee machine technology sets new standards – convince yourself of the quality!
The patented Centrifugal™ Technology of the VERTUO capsule machine rotates the coffee capsule with up to 7.000 rotations per minute and shall ensure, that even the last drop of taste finds its way to your cup or mug. The VERTUO coffee machine technology mixes the coffee powder during the brewing operation with hot water and creates the perfect crema, that will make your espresso or coffee even more irresistible than ever before! Thanks to the integrated barcode recognition VERTUO always knows, which capsule you have inserted. The matched extraction of a capsule always guarantees a perfect result, no matter which coffee specialty you prefer. The intelligent system adjusts the amount of water, the water temperature and as well as the other relevant brewing parameters such as capsule rotation speed always perfectly – for every coffee capsule. The VERTUO extraction process will be started via One-Touch function – so that every day, even in the morning, on midday or in the evening – you are only one touch of a button afar from your next, exceptional coffee adventure!

What you will taste:
With the new VERTUO coffee machine you will experience a redefinition of the coffee taste. The patented Centrifusion™ Technology cares for an incomparable heavenly crema und with the barcode recognition every coffee capsule will be treated perfectly. The new VERTUO system only needs 15-20 seconds to heat up the water and after nine minutes the machine switches off automatically. The water tank of the VERTUO Plus machine has a capacity of 1.2 litres and it can be swiveled to the left, to the right or to the middle – so that the capsule machine finds its place in every kitchen or office! Furthermore, it holds an integrated collecting vessel, 13 used capsules can be stored in it without a problem. To open and close the machine head only a single grip is necessary. For the VERTUO Plus machine even a simple touch is enough as it opens and closes automatically. The cup holder can be positioned manually to fit four different cup sizes or it can be removed completely.
Not sacrificing quality.
The new VERTUO coffee pods are available in the most different types and sizes. Our offer includes a total of 25 unique varieties of coffee – so there is something for everybody. Look for seasonal changing limited editions, available for only a short time. From Espresso to Lungo & Gran Lungo up to Alto capsules, we serve all current cup sizes. And every pod has its completely own character and taste! But one thing they all have in common: one pricelessly lush crema – the Nespresso VERTUO signature. All the VERTUO pods will be available in the usual high Nespresso quality just like the ORIGINAL coffees.
And more then 80% of our coffee results from the AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program, which emerged in cooperation with the Rainforest Alliance in the year 2003.