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Make extra money or get location-specific media from ProxyPics

ProxyPics is the first-of-its kind on-demand system for getting the location-specific media you need from wherever you are. An app and a simple-to-use platform creates an online marketplace, matching users needing geographic-based content with users near to the location ready to take your photo.

It's now quicker, cheaper, or simpler to get timely images and video from around the world.

If you are in the real estate industry, you know there was and continues to be a huge demand for timely photos of properties. Transactions can be held up by the simple need for an up-to-date photo of a home. With ProxyPics new app anyone with a mobile phone can take a picture of anything you need immediately.

ProxyPics is a life changer for those requesting and taking pictures. ProxyPics is part of the gig economy revolution, allowing everyone to make money on their own schedule. Once you have the app, you will also be notified of available jobs in your area. With a camera and some foresight, you can earn extra money while walking to the coffee shop.

ProxyPics was exhibiting at CES 2019 and their unique ideas should soon be gaining traction.

This is a platform designed to make region specific photography available to all. ProxyPics leverages GPS and digital payment technologies to match photo requests to the photo takers on a global scale. It is also set to disrupt entire industries, by making time-sensitive, affordable photos available on a grand scale. Real Estate, insurance, merchandising audits, and news media outlets are all areas that can greatly benefit from immediate photos of specific locations and subjects. ProxyPics is available for both iOS and android devices. Download it today and start making money with a click of a button. Visit to get started.

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