Practice with Novak Djokovic? Visit
Donate as little as $10, tennis fans are entered to win the once-in-a-lifetime chance to practice with 13-time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic, plus two multi-session tickets the the Laver Cup: The sweepstakes runs through Sept. 4, 2018.

In addition to hitting with Novak, the grand prize also includes a photo with him, two lower bowl tickets to the entire Laver Cup in Chicago (Sept. 21-23), a pack of autographed merchandise, and roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodations for the winner and a guest. The $10 donation earns 100 entries to win the grand prize. For extra donations, fans can score additional rewards like racquets and tennis bags signed by Novak, and Foundation t-shirts and hats. Donations benefit Djokovic’s foundation, which works to provide equal access to quality preschool education. The Serbian tennis star says: “I come from a war-torn country, a place where many kids do not dare to dream big. That’s why I founded the Novak Djokovic Foundation, to help give preschool-aged children from impoverished areas the chance to learn and play in a safe, creative and nurturing environment. Now I’m asking for your support!” To learn more and donate to win, please visit by Sept. 4th! It's a great cause.