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Get your pet VeRFID

Pets play such an important part in our lives, these animals are often looked to more than just friends but a part of our family. VeRFID is a company that recognizes that animals play an important role and understands the process of animal verification can be difficult at times. Tasks with animals such as traveling, gaining access to an establishment or moving into a new residence can require information (animal traits, proof of vaccination, training records and healthcare providers).

VeRFID provides a simple verification process to owners through the use of their RFID smart tag. RFID stand for Radio-Frequency IDentification, a technology that uses radio waves to transmit data. Owners provide the information for the company and they provide a reliable verification through not only the tag but the VeRFID mobile application. The information collected by the company includes the animal information, vaccination records, veterinary notes & health certificates, owner information and so much more.The process is simplified for both family owners and businesses alike. For Animal Owners… Lost Animals: The back of the tag tells people what to do, they simply download the free app, scan the tag and the owner’s contact information will be displayed. Information in One Location: Submit information electronically to the VeRFID website and access to businesses with a VeRFID account using their tag. Vaccination Reminders: Friendly reminders based on your state’s laws can be made to keep your animal rabies free.

For Business… Employee Training: Employees will not need to spend endless hours on the intricacies of verification, VeRFID has verification specialists that are trained on what to look for in submitted documentation. Save Time: Customers will spend less time doing paperwork at the door and be able to explore your business options. Tailored to your Business: Businesses will be able to choose the requirements that best for them and can establish them using the VeRFID website. VeRFID is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund a better way to keep your pet safe through the VeRFID Smart Tag. The project has recently launched setting a pledge goal of $15,000 and the campaign will end Monday September 3rd. A few pledge levels include receiving an Animal Smart Tag at $35, VeRFID Business Account (small business) at $150, VeRFID Business Account Plus at $2,500 and so many more pledge levels.

If you would like more information visit their website at to secure the RFID smart tag and the VeRFID mobile application. For current updates follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

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