AT&T AUDIENCE Network’s “Alone in the Game” shines a light on the challenges faced by LGBTQ athl
AT&T AUDIENCE Network announced a new documentary, titled “Alone in the Game” last week. It will air for the first time on Thursday, June 28th at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

The AT&T documentary features a group of athletes and major sports figures in American sports leagues such the NFL, NBA, MLS, and NCAA. The exclusive documentary takes its viewers on a personal journey of each athlete, showing the trials faced by these athletes on the professional, collegiate, and Olympic levels. In telling their stories, the athletes will go into detail about living their most pure life and the harsh reality of living in fear of losing their professional career if the truth is discovered. The featured athletes for the documentary include, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, former ESPN President John Skipper, former NBA center Jason Collins, former NFL lineman Ryan O’ Callaghan, MLS Cup champion Robbie Rogers, Olympic medalists Gus Kenworthy, Olympic Megan Rapinoe. David McFarland, “Alone in the Game” creator and executive producer stated, "It's time to unveil such important and inspirational stories. We're giving viewers a rare look into the lives of these elite athletes' unique journeys and open their eyes to the daily challenges these athletes face on and off the field of play.” This is a different perspective than we usually see when it comes to the business of sports. “Alone In The Game” unmasks the truth on the reality of the world of sports and business. It also puts into light a culture that is exclusive and the discrimination against athletes that are part of the LGBTQ community living in fear. "With added attention to this issue, I'm hopeful we can affect real change at the highest levels of American sport and that the next generation of LGBTQ athletes will be judged by their athletic performance, rather than their sexual orientation or gender identity," added McFarland. Captivating its audience with personal stories, “Alone In The Game” brings forward a large issue that many athletes have to deal with across many different platforms in the world of sports. Athletes often choose to stay silent due to their fear of different viewpoints and discrimination from peers. "As America's culture, including that of the sports world, continues to evolve, AT&T remains steadfast in our support of inclusion, which encompasses advocating the right mindset surrounding the LGBTQ community.” Said Daniel York, senior executive vice president and chief content officer for AT&T. "We are honored to provide these athletes a platform to share their stories and empower others going through similar struggles."