Upcoming event: TAG Health and 'Mobile Health Security'
The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) has emerged as the largest technology trade association in the United States, serving over 34,000 members. TAG’s mission is to educate, promote, influence and unite Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace that stimulates and enhances Georgia’s tech-based economy. One TAG society, TAG Health focuses on Georgia’s rapidly expanding healthcare field, with healthcare IT and management professionals, physicians, allied health professionals and hospital administrative personnel as members of the society. The society has an upcoming event on July 27, 2017 covering the topic of mobile health technology.

Mobile health technology, or mHealth, is a rapidly developing factor in health care today, promising to make health care better and more efficient. In other words, mobile health technology is the use of incorporating mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) to deliver health care and preventative health services. A survey conducted by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), found 83 percent of physicians in the U.S. already use mobile health technology or mHealth to provide patient care.
TAG Health Presents: What to Expect in Mobile Health Technology: The Present and Future. The event will include an insightful panel discussion with Atlanta mHealth executives on the state of the mobile health technology industry and expectations for the future.
The event moderator is Tino J. Mantella, the President of Tier4 Advisors. The event will include panelists such as… Adrian Davis, Founder and CEO of MYidealDOCTOR Telehealth Matt Ethington, Co-Founder and CEO of ChronicCareIQ Toni Pashley, Senior Vice President of Product of Sharecare Mark Braunstein, MD Professor of Practice at Georgia Tech College of Computing The event takes place on Thursday July 27, 2017 at Heritage Sandy Springs (6110 Blue Stone Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30328) between 5:30-7:30 pm. Visit the event page for more information or event registration.