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Google News gets a new look

If you are a person that frequents Google News, you've probably noticed a bit of a facelift to the home page.

Every day people come to Google News for a trusted view of the world. It’s there for everything from moments of political change to gripping sports events to daily local news. To make news more accessible and easier to navigate, we redesigned the desktop website with a renewed focus on facts, diverse perspectives, and more control for users.

Per Google:

The new UI has a clean and uncluttered look, designed for comfortable reading and browsing. We’ve adopted a card format that makes it easier to browse, scan and identify related articles about a story. The new layout focuses on key elements, such as publisher names and article labels, and maintains your view and place on the page as you click in and out of stories and explore topics. We dedicated the navigation column on the left to sections that you customize. You can jump quickly to news you enjoy, whether it’s standard sections like Sports or Entertainment, or those created by you and powered by your queries, such as “FIFA World Cup” or “Bollywood.”

Also, improved navigation. story cards, fact checking and more emphasis on video.

Check it out, see what you think. It might take a little getting used to, but this is how Google moves.

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