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Turf technology and conservation work for Arcis Golf at Los Robles Greens

Sometimes renovation can become re-inventing, even in golf. Los Robles Greens, the popular 18-hole golf course owned by the City of Thousand Oaks, Calif., managed by Arcis Golf, used careful thought and ingenuity at Los Robles Greens and the results have been earth-shattering.

Arcis Golf, let the re-engineering which included the removal of more than 30 acres of golf course turf grass, a redesign of the irrigation system for greater efficiency and allowed the landscaped areas to grow in. As a result, Los Robles Greens is projected to use 20 to 25 percent less water annually. The reduction in turf grass also means less fertilizer, pesticides, fossil fuels and other goods will be needed to maintain the course.

"One million gallons per month, that’s how much water we are saving here," said Mayor Joel Price of Thousand Oaks, who was presented with a commemorative photo of the new golf course during the ceremonies. “And the environmental benefits of the renovation go far beyond water savings. We’re leading the way with the new Los Robles Greens, a fun and challenging course that’s an environmental star.”

This is the perfect blending of logic and technology, with golfers and the entire Thousand Oaks community being the beneficiaries.

“It has been pleasure for everyone at Arcis Golf to see the project at Los Robles Greens turn into such a huge success,” said Jim Oliver, COO of Arcis Golf. “The innovative work that has been done is setting a new standard for golf course maintenance — not just locally, but nationally. It has been a terrific collaboration.”

Also, nearly 40 acres were converted into native areas, with the installation of more than 50,000 native California drought-resistant plants. During the renovation, new plantings were mulched with product made on-site by recycling more than 10 years’ worth of green waste that had accumulated on property. Again less land to maintain. The Los Robles renovation was patterned in part after the 2011 restoration of Pinehurst No. 2 in North Carolina. Members of the Los Robles team visited Pinehurst to gather information about that renovation and its project management. Fry/Straka Global Course Design was also part of the re-inventing team, widening the fairways and aiding in making the course more "natural."


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